Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 1 January 2024.
No 186
2024 – the year of the Dragon…
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in September’s edition…
Welcome to 2024! We start off with our “Dragon’s” origins, then we’re into our Lost Locators for more discoveries and the latest on our Date of Deaths investigations, then onto who bought a “Ford”, next there’s some great mail to read, Normie Rowe and Digger Revel make the Noticeboard, we have a Presidents Perambulations in the Association section (no meeting in January). Sadly Vale has two additions and an update.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 2 February 2024.
No 187
Eyes and Ears – the First edition in the new series – 15 Years ago it got re-booted!
Eyes and Ears
No.0001 February, 2009
Click "Download Newsletter" and here’s what you can find in February’s edition…
We’ve updated the Eyes and Ears front page banner, the we recognise that Eyes and Ears goes into year 16, we have a look at some Military stats, Ernie Newbold has a fun recollection, the Lost Locator Project continues, our Unknown Dates of Death shrinks, there’s a Quiz, then mountains of Mail, then there’s a full Noticeboard, the Association section is full as usual. Sadly we complete the edition with Vale with three lost members – May They Rest in Peace.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 3 March 2024.
No 188
Nui Dat
Formation and History – extracts from the AWM Archives
Nui Dat was formerly a Rubber Plantation
Click on the "DOWNLOAD NREWSLETTER" and here’s what you can find in March’s edition…
A bit of a reflection on Nui Dat, Ernie Newbold shares an “Ode” Reflection, we share an interesting Corps Assignment piece with Kevin Browning, the Photo Album Project has an appeal and uncovers a photo of interest, the RVCM gets comment in Federal Parliament, then there’s the usual great collection of Mail, followed by the Notice Board and then of course the Association meeting’s information.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 4 April 2024.
No 189
Thousands gather for Anzac Day services under full moon…
In Canberra, a single didgeridoo pierced the silence at the Australian War Memorial where some 32,000 people were present as the temperature dropped to 2C.
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in April’s edition…
ANZAC Day starts us off, then we continue with the Nui Dat Reflection, we find a couple of “Lost Locators”, then there’s a “Meandering” discovery, then a couple of Members get reflective, we have a bit of a look at the Draft in the US, then there’s some interesting Mail to read, next up is Association’s information and then we close off this month’s edition.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 5 May 2024.
No 190
Bomana War Cemetery - 19 Km from Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea…
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in May’s edition…
Terry Erbs takes us to Papua New Guinea for a Memorable ANZAC Day service, we continue with Withdrawal in the Nui Dat Formation and History, next we continue with the Lost Locator series, then , Bob Billiards explains a couple of photos from the Vietnam Heritage Facebook site regarding an article on FSB Coral/Balmoral. Vic Danko revives a memory of “Operation Frequent Wind” – part of the last effort evacuation from Saigon, we continue with our search in Unknown Dates of Death, Bill Taggart (1st/83rd) enlightens us on the US draft system, then It’s Mail time, followed by some great Notice Board items, then we finish up with Association items.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 6 June 2024.
No 191
The Other War Australians Fought in Vietnam
Thai Dang escaped Vietnam and tells an amazing story..
Click on the website and here's what you can find in June's edition...
"A different aspect" lead in story, then after reading "Lost Leaders" we continue with an AWM Vietnam series, then into some great mail, a couple of interesting items on the Notice Board and to cap it all off Association items.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 7 July 2024.
No 192
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in June’s edition…
We start with HAPPY 70TH ANNIVERSARY 131, The Lost Locator Project follows on, the next isa Vietnam War 1962–75 A continuing extract from the Australian War Memorial website…, we share a Facebook Post with Bob Billiards, then sadly we add one more Member to our Battery Deaths (see Vale for more), we get an update with regards to the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal (RVCM) from Richard Barry – Rieny Nieuwenhof receives his, Ernie Newbold starts a new series of Arty quotes (they keep you amused), then the Mail sections takeover – Ted Jux gas an interesting discovery question, Noticeboard is really for of interest this month, then it’s Association stuff and sadly after Birthdays, Vale is once again contains the sad new od Edward “Spike” Chase’s passing – May He Rest in Peace and Never be Forgotten.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 8 August 2024.
No 193
Vietnam Veterans Day – 18th August, 2024…52 years and the Memory hasn’t faded
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in August’s edition…
We kick off with a photos/stories of 2024’s ceremonies of Vietnam Veterans Day 2024, then we get contacted by a Lost Locator, we sadly add a name/number to our death list, then our Mail sections are enormous, next is Notice Board which has some really interesting items, then we cover the Associations August meeting, and we end sadly with a Vale article with regards to Phil Perrin - May He Rest in Peace and Never be Forgotten.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 10 October 2024.
No 195
1930 - The Cap Badge of the Royal Australian Artillery was approved…94 years ago -
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in October’s edition…
94 Years ago, now that’s a start, we continue with how ‘Nashos were invented for Vietnam’, our Lost Locator project has a couple of new interests, the we start an RSL Survey, Bob Billiards takes us on a memory trip, Terry Erbs continues on with ‘Drone’ activity, then it’s onto heaps of great mail, then Notice Board is followed up by Association updates from the October meeting, then Happy Birthday for the October mob, we have a continuation of September’s Vale with some great memories with photos.
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 11 November 2024.
No 196
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in November’s edition…
Let’s start off by Wishing Everybody a Very Merry Christmas!
Then we get into a few Remembrance Day photos, then continue with how “Nashos” were invented for Vietnam, our Lost Locator and Unknown Deaths article continue, then a bit of a follow up on the RSL article, “Australian Military Bank” a discovery, then the Mail sections are opened, the Notice Board has some interesting items including a reminder for Saint Barbara’s Day, we get to look at the Association’s AGM and General Meetings – it’s pretty full on for 22 pages!
Eyes and Ears - Volume 17 No 12 December 2024.
No 197
Click on the website and here’s what you can find in December’s edition…
Let’s finish off 2024 with some great reading subjects…
We start off by perusing some ‘fun” Christmas photos from over there, we then finish off the “Nasho” articles, there’s s tribute to the late Joe Kocka (see Vales later on), next is s Cold Case discovery thanks to Peter Meaney, Geoff Blackwell gives us a look at his St Barbara’s Day venture, then the dam wall breaks and out pours the Mail, there’s interesting stuff in the Notice Board, then we’re into the last of the 131 Association’s meeting until February 2025, then after Birthdays we have Vales to end the year on a very sad note